Unpaid Endorsements from Users of EMF

Anthony Robbins

America's Results Coach and Author of Awaken the Giant Within

"As a speaker, I'm often onstage for 12 hours or more a day. Almost 7 years ago, Dr. Herb Ross found that the extreme low frequency waves (EMF) emitted by my wireless headset were creating a physical weakness in my body. When I began utilizing the SRT-3, I noticed an immediate recovery in my muscle strength & a counteracting of the negative effects from the headsets low frequency waves. Scientific research has shown that the SRT-3 makes a significant difference in reducing the impact of these harmful low frequency waves."


Ken Wilber

President, The Integral Institute, Boulder, CO, Author of A Brief History of Everything and 16 other books on consciousness and Integral theory and practice.

"The SRT-3 technology that amplifies and clarifies the body's energies. By reducing the noise in any energy field, this technology strengthens and purifies the body's own energies.

This technology has been scientifically demonstrated to enhance the body's ability to protect itself from

This technology therefore removes some of the blocks to inner transformation to higher and healthier states of being."


Alfredo Kofman, PhD

Former Professor and Teacher of the Year at MIT Sloan School of Management, Author of The Fifth Discipline Handbook and many other books on Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Economics. Top consultant to Chrysler, Shell Oil, General Motors, EDS, Intel, Phillips and other corporations.

"SRT-3 works, but that is not nearly as important as why it works - just like an apple falling is not nearly as important as why it falls. The operating principles and theories behind the SRT-3 are so innovative that they have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the human being - and the Universe.

It helped me balance my physical, emotional, and cognitive energies. I feel a greater clarity and well being in my mind, and my doctor has detected the same clarity and well being in my blood.

But more importantly, I'm impressed because the SRT-3 has opened the most fascinating exploration on the nature of reality I've ever undertaken. I sincerely hope that more people use the SRT-3 a key to health and development."


Jack Canfield

America's #1 Success Coach and Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul books

"I keep a Comfort Clock next to my bed and another one on the credenza behind my desk in my office. What I have noticed at home is that I sleep more soundly, have better dreams and awaken very refreshed. In my office I notice that I am able to stay calm, focused and sustain my energy for long periods of time no matter what chaos may be going on around me."


Michael Beckwith, D.D.

Founder and Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center and Star of The Secret

"Comfort Clocks® are an example of how science and spirituality work together to enhance life on the planet. I can testify to the energetic difference in both my home and office..."


Bailey and Maxie Wells wearing their EM pendants

"Suzee - there is no way to thank you. Can you believe these are the same dogs you saw?

If you recall, Maxi was obese and his health was at risk, and Bailey had a thyroid condition, lost 80% of his hair, was lethargic and couldn't even walk.

I'm not kidding. In less than 30 days of wearing the dog pendants, Maxi started eating normally and lost weight and Bailey, well my Bailey is a miracle story. Look at Bailey's coat; it's gorgeous. So is Maxi's. The best news of all is he is full of life again and can even go for walks.

My dogs are 8 years old and you would never know it. They have energy like puppies again. I had no idea that laying near electric and computer cords or telephone poles could do this to animals. It's unbelievable.

Please share my story with everyone you know who has a cat or dog or horse, and tell them to get an EM pendant for their pet. I'm so grateful - hopefully Bailey and Maxi's stories will help other animals too! Also, I wouldn't go a day without wearing mine either; I just lost 12lbs and feel great!!!"

Click onto the Chi Quiz icon below to discover your element and personality profile for
Health, Wealth, Career, Success and Love. Learn which properties support you and which ones
deplete you, and who your best partners are in Life and Love.

Chi Quiz by Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller

Feng Shui is NOT about philosophy, astrology, religion or superstition.
It is the Study of ENERGY (Quantum Physics), and how energy affects lives,
homes, offices, listings and careers.

Click here to ask Suzee a Feng Shui Question!