TOPIC: Feng Shui and HEALING Spaces
- Clutter is the glue that binds you to the past
- Clutter represents subconscious fear of change
- Clutter breeds frustration, procrastination and anger
- Clutter keeps old energy stuck in your body and brain
- Clutter creates obstacles, delays, stress and weight gain
- Clutter puts the breaks on - in your life and relationships
- Clutter keeps you out of breath and out of balance.
The Feng Shui ART of Clearing Spaces
- Removes predecessor energy and negativity
- Regular space clearing prevents stress and burn-out
- Destroys SHA CHI - heavy, chaotic and stuck energy
- Heals your mind, body, emotions and spirit
- Allows you to BREATHE and EXPAND your consciousness
- Opens up greater clarity, creativity and vision
- Supports vibrant relationships and career opportunities
- Clears the pathway for you to hear and channel universal TRUTHS!
Click here to learn the ART of Cleansing Spaces
EPSOM SALT and RUBBING ALCOHOL is the best space cleanser. It creates a non-toxic gas that cuts through the ethers.
Until next time, look around your office, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom to see what’s holding you back in life, love, health or financial gain! |
Client Testimonial
"I've been receiving your truth and tips for more than five years and I save them all!
I can honestly say that your unique perspective and advice on Feng Shui has changed my life - for the better. Your approach to manifesting change by helping us raise our inner realm of conscious is AMAZING!
Thank you for providing this free service. I feel blessed knowing you."
Dinorah Carmenate
For the Opportunity to be of Service
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