ONE HOUR Can Create A
Schedule a ONE Hour
Residential Consultation
by Phone, Skype or on site with ...
Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller®
- ASK QUESTIONS about the Feng Shui of your home.
- REMEDY & ENHANCE the unseen energy inside your home.
- LEARNhow to Feng Shui your home and garden properly
- CREATE spatial harmony and balance in your home
- SEE if an existing or new residential property supports you and your family.
- IMPROVE relations with loved ones and neighbors.
- INCREASE your vitality and health
- GET HELP on hard-to-sell properties
- ATTRACT a life partner with FENG SHUI!
Click Here to
Schedule a Consultation
with Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller
Need more info on a Feng Shui Consultation?
Prior to the consultation, Suzee will ask for a rough floorplan, some specific compass readings, information about when the property was built, and any other vital information about the building, land (or even cubicle space) in question.
Suzee then works her Mastery in several different schools of Feng Shui... some Traditional, some Western, some that deal with energy in specific rooms (and “guas�) – and does a complete assessment of the property, which is quite extensive. All this happens BEFORE you even get on the phone!
During the actual consultation, be prepared... Suzee launches into a
phenomenal FLOOD of information specific to how to Feng Shui YOUR
particular property for the maxiumum benefit of yourself and all occupants.
There is a WEALTH of information and directives specifically geared
toward you, and you don’t have to worry about remembering it all
because it’s RECORDED. You will receive a downloadable copy within
hours of consulting.
Start living an
All consults are recorded for your review
Click Here to
Schedule a Consultation
Still undecided?
Check out these links:
Feng Shui Truth and Tips Click here to get Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller's "daily" |
Feng Shui is not a fad, nor is it about religion, philosophy or superstition. Feng Shui is the Asian art and science that unites ENERGY... time, space, people and the environment as one integral entity.
~ Suzee Miller
“Thank you so much for your help yesterday. After our consultation I went out shopping for remedies and enhancements. I feel so much more optimistic today than I have in a long time. I know it’s because of your help. I knew there was something whacked out about this house and land. I just didn’t know what. Oh Boy! I am so jazzed and it feels so good to be excited! It’s been a long time, Suzee. Thanks again and I will send you ‘after’ pix.�
"Dear Super-Suzee: I am doing great!!! I feel restored and happy. I have finished doing all your land and home Feng Shui remedies and enhancements. I attended the PAX seminar this past weekend, and I have watched 'The Secret' more than 5 times. I'm out of depression and EXCITED ABOUT MY LIFE. Thank you so much for caring and for your absolute Feng Shui mastery. I wish you the best in life, and may all the love and care that you show to others return to you, multiplied one hundred times!"
“I cannot believe how fast your Feng Shui works.
I feel healthier, happier and I’m busier in business
than I’ve ever been. There is no down market with
Feng Shui – I’m grateful and jazzed!!! May God and
Spirit bless you abundantly for all you do to make
this planet a better place. I am blessed to know you.�
"Thank you so much for all your inspired words of advice. I have changed my entire home and office and painted the wall in your recommended Feng Shui colors. All feels so different and more vibrant. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have given me in such a short time. You are part of rediscovering my true self.
I am taking 10 days off and going to my sanctuary in Sedona with my family and new book to write... I already have many clients to take care of the first week of January. I set all my intentions for the different spaces. I love my Feng Shui home so much more now!"
"Suzee, we are living a magical life thanks to you and Feng Shui. As you know, Steve slept thru the night for the first time in twelve years... within 24 hrs of you changing his sleep position. Also, we finally got married and have never been happier. After we remedied the house Feng Shui like you suggested, our business took off and hasn't stopped booming. We love our Feng Shui home and are enjoying good friendships, family relations and an overwhelming sense of peace and prosperity! We also have more free time for fun now than we've ever had. Our lives couldn't be better!"
"After our Feng Shui consultation, I felt more confident, positive and energetic about what I am going to do. My goals in my life are the most important factor at this moment. I am going to use positive words from now on – negative words are out of my dictionary for GOOD! You are a beautiful woman both inside and out and I feel so proud that there are still people like you in this world who make one feel and realize that there is a solution to everything.
Thank you from the bottom
of my heart."
“Suzee Miller SAVED my commission with her Feng Shui knowledge – for less than the price of an ad in ‘Homes and Land’ magazine. My seller was going to take her home off the market, so I immediately emailed Suzee photos, a virtual tour of my listing and faxed her the floor plan, comps, and MLS printout. She did a Feng Shui consultation by phone with my seller and me on Thursday. Buyers flooded the house on Friday, and we received an offer on Saturday, then opened escrow on Monday... with 3 back-up offers!!!�