
Feng Shui Testimonials


Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

A few client and customer testimonials...

by category:


“Your Feng Shui is truly magic! A critical mind like my own is still stunned at how life can open so quickly and wonderfully by just following your remedies... a few rabbits here, a fan there, colors, water added here and there. Seems absurd, but IT WORKS! I haven’t even totally completed all the remedies yet, but I undertook a major chunk of them.

THE NEXT DAY things started happening! Within a week I have my band (that I had struggled to even get off the ground for the last year!), I’m singing everyday, so many wonderful opportunities that I don’t know what to do with them all. In a nutshell, I’m living my dream as a singer. And as for men – there’s a really long line at the door now! All this has happen in less than 3 weeks!!! Things are absolutely wonderful. Thank you Suzee Miller!”

A BEAUTIFUL Feng Shui kitchen helped to create a phenomenal miracle for our client in Florida this year. Read all about here.

As I was finishing my consultation with you my whole body was vibrating. I feel so inspired, excited, brave and free to move forward and to change my life for the best.  I know, it is not coming from verbal communication with you, it is from the different dimension and it is like divine guidance is sent to me through you. Even though we were talking on the phone, I feel like you could see through me. I am so thankful for this unique experience and will definitely continue to work with you! With much love,

“I can’t express strongly enough the extreme gratitude that I feel for Suzee and her home Feng Shui consultation for us. I learned more than I expected. I was given suggestions and heard observations that surprised me. I appreciate how very patient and caring she is about topics that have been at the top of my mind for awhile now.

I feel almost giddy with excitement as I ponder the “tweaks” that will enhance peace and energy for my family in the future. As a kid, only Christmas would rival such an occasion!”

"Suzee, I want to say thank you for your help with my office Feng Shui! I can’t believe it, but I sold a house within 3 days of me Feng Shui’ng my office! I am blown away by the AMAZING POWER OF INTENTIONS and Feng Shui. I actually had 4-6 buyers call me since consulting with you, and a lot more activity AND one solid sale within a week! Thank you so much! I am so blessed to have met you... your guidance is awesome! I look forward to a long career and having you as my mentor. Thanks!"

“I have already started making the changes you suggested. I found the perfect piece in my house that I will bring to the office. I have removed all the unwanted elements from the wall. I have cleaned my desk drawers, and now I am about to tackle the rest. Two incredible miracles have already happened since I had the Feng Shui consultation with you! IT FEELS WONDERFUL! Thank you for sharing your insight, your Feng Shui knowledge and your energy to change my life – you are a blessing!”

“In less than 9 months after having a phone Feng Shui consultation with Suzee for my first office, my agent recruitment went up over 300%. All my agents are doing well and love the office environment they work in. In addition, during this same period of time, my “personal” income exceeded 20 million in residential sales using Suzee's Five Element Feng Shui Business System. I can attest that Feng Shui works and WORKS FAST!

I Feng Shui all my listings, ask top dollar for them and get it. I’m currently enrolled in Suzee’s Feng Shui Certification program and love it! Quite frankly, Feng Shui has already branded me ahead of the competition. I’m looking forward now to networking across the country with other realtors knowledgeable in Feng Shui. Thanks once again Suzee for everything, especially for teaching me how to use Feng Shui in business.”

"I am working diligently on completing my office Feng Shui. My husband and I are really connecting a lot better. My husband moved to the SE desk, and ever since, his thinking has more clarity and he's acting more grounded. Thanks so much. I am very excited and happy with my life, and it’s only been 2.5 weeks since our Feng Shui consultation with you!"

“I am having the BEST YEARS OF MY BUSINESS since I had my office Feng Shui phone consultation with you. Last year was absolutely fantastic! I have been so busy that I had “put off” furthering my Feng Shui Education, but now I feel that I am ready to proceed with getting Feng Shui Certified. I look forward to working more and more with you!”

Consult by phone, from anywhere in the World,
with Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®.
Click here to schedule a Residential or Business Consultation Today.

“Hi Suzee, soon it is going to be 90 days since my Feng Shui consultation. I am doing exactly what you suggested. I am listening to “The Secret” audio program everyday while driving. It is of great help to me along with my Feng Shui. I read the respective intentions walking through each section of the Feng Shui bagua area every morning. I made this intention for myself: “I am enjoying the most opportunities, the most accomplishments, the most income, the most recognition, the most fun, joy and happiness today!” I started saying this three days ago and everyday I find new opportunities.

My family life is at its best. I am spending all the time after work with my wife and kids. We went on a vacation too after a long long time. Two weeks ago, out of the blue, one of my friends called and said he had a position available and asked if I could find a person to fill it. Now I'm placing computer consultants around the country. A lot of people are asking me to work for them as a Business Development Manager and Marketing Director. I am also recovering my losses in my stocks too. Thanks a bunch!”

“Suzee, since getting my desk and office Feng Shui in order – and using your Five Element Feng Shui Business System, my income has TRIPLED IN ONE MONTH! Your simple system is amazing... unbelievable, to be frank. I’m a seasoned real estate agent and have always done well, but In the last 40 days I’ve earned $89,000 in commission income by working smart and not hard! Not only that, I feel more organized, on top of my data base and centered with a defined business plan. I love Feng Shui!!!

You are awesome... thank you for contributing
so much to my prosperity and well being.”,

“Thank you Suzee for your Feng Shui consultation. You are wonderful in everything you do. I am always striving to be more confident and move on to the next level. Thank you for all your help and Feng Shui knowledge!“

“I still cannot believe how everything has turned completely around!!! Right after my phone consultation on November 3, I did my office Feng Shui – and that same week, I had an accepted offer. By the end of November I had three contracts with $60,000 in escrow and a new listing. In December, I got two new MLS listings. Now I am looking forward to having a home Feng Shui consultation as well! I bless you and your AMAZING Five Elements Feng Shui Business System which has been such a great help too. I wish you and all your staff all the best!”

“Thank you so much for the office Feng Shui consultation today. I am so excited to make all the changes… I can hardly wait. I am already boxing up some “stuff” you advised to take home…pictures, etc. Thank you so much for all your Feng Shui expertise!”

“I listed a waterfront home for $1.5 million that was completely remodeled throughout by a general contractor and decorated to the hilt – so much so that people thought it was a model home! The house was absolutely perfect!!! I really thought we had it priced right and the feedback we got was always positive. However, after 45 days on the market and few showings, it still had not sold. My sellers had agreed to a Feng Shui phone consultation and in within 2 days of making the enhancements, the phone rang off the hook!!! We could not show the property fast enough and within 12 days of implementing the Feng Shui staging, it sold for top dollar!!!

Suzee had said the house would act as a magnet for even more high-priced transactions and it did!!! I then took a listing for $1.2 million and sold 3 homes for $950,000, $1,050,000 and $936,000 respectively in less than 30 days. They were all such easy transactions too!!! All thanks to Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller!”

“I had a Feng Shui consultation by phone with you on June 27th, and one of my biggest concerns was the separation of my daughter and grandsons from my husband and I. So, I did what you advised (created a Blessing Box) and began to plant a variety of blooming flowers in the Friendly Relations section of the bagua. Today is July 4th, and my daughter and grandsons are on their way to spend 2 weeks with us – AND – to my shock and amazement, even though I haven’t heard from my sisters, or brother in 10 years, I just received an email from my siblings wanting to begin to have a family-type relationship to!!! I know Feng Shui works just like magic, but I forgot how fast Feng Shui can bring about change. Bless you Suzee Miller!”

“Suzee Miller SAVED my commission with her Feng Shui knowledge – for less than the price of an ad in ‘Homes and Land’ magazine. My seller was going to take her home off the market in 2 weeks, so I immediately emailed Suzee photos and a virtual tour of my listing and faxed her the floor plan, comps, and MLS printout. She did a Feng Shui consultation by phone with my seller and me on Thursday. Buyers flooded the house on Friday, and we received an offer on Saturday, then opened escrow on Monday... with 3 back-up offers!!!”

“Thank you so very much Suzee for the wonderful Feng Shui consultation yesterday! Not only were you articulate and knowledgeable, but most empathetic – and what amazed me the most was how you pinpointed my exact problems. I never attributed them to my property, and it took years for me to realize what I was unwittingly doing to my balance... I am certain Suzee’s guidance is just what I need. I am looking forward to another consultation in the future to set up my office Feng Shui properly and get your advice. I will definitely send referrals your way!!!”

Consult by phone, from anywhere in the World,
with Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®.
Click here to schedule a Residential or Business Consultation Today.

“We just want you to know what a profound impact your Feng Shui consultations have had on literally every aspect of our lives. Even more important to us than the new business success is all the personal growth and positive changes we are experiencing. We have had so many exciting new life experiences and enjoyed camaraderie like never before with friends, family and clients. We can truly say that we are done with living lives of quiet desperation and struggle. (It’s been a long road!)

On the business side, thanks to your suggestion that I recognize my real estate talents, I have done more real estate volume in the months since we started implementing your recommended Feng Shui tips – more than in any years past during my 25-plus years in the business. (I have a $4,550,000 contract pending with resultant contacts that will carry me through many years!) Until recently, Stan was able to contract every presentation he made for a new build or remodel. For some reason he lost the last two, literally with two phone calls in five minutes. It was a wake up call to pay attention to our energies. We are reviewing your Five Element Feng Shui Business System and are taking a fresh look at our Feng Shui garden, offices, staging, etc.

Suzee, you are in our thoughts and conversation very often. We consider our relationship with you and Feng Shui a lifetime commitment. We look forward to having some “refresher” Feng Shui consultations with you in the near future. Take care!”

“I’ve had the best year ever! This is my 9th year in the business. This year, I have exceeded last years’ figures in the first 6 months. I appreciate all your Feng Shui suggestions and do plan have another consultation with you in the future. I’m looking forward to our next session. I am sure that everyone doesn’t always keep their office in perfect order all the time. I just Feng Shui’d it again... updating my colored files, de-cluttering, etc. It sure feels good to see business increase when I implement your Feng Shui advice. It’s just so good now!”

“Thank you doing my office Feng Shui last year. Things are going very well... I am having a great year. I just wanted to share with you that I did my first listing right after listening to your audio program “Color Your Listings Sold” and it worked! It was a one-year-old house with no landscaping, on the market for more than 30 days, no offers and a lot of showings. I followed your advice and we received two offers within 2 weeks and escrow will close the end of July! The list price was $549,000 and we got almost full price for it. I will be calling you in the near future to do my husband’s home office Feng Shui as well. I am so glad we got a phone consultation from you. I’d recommend you to anyone!”

“THANK YOU Suzee!!! We learned so much in our one hour Feng Shui phone consultation with you – it will be of benefit to us now and in the future! We have already made many changes and they are great!”

“I am a somewhat reluctant owner of several rental properties, and I was in a significant negative cash flow situation with properties sitting vacant for 4+ months right when the rental market was in a severe decline this year. Then I called Suzee Miller for a Feng Shui consultation.

In just 24 hours after she told me to ‘visualize’ making Feng Shui changes (because actual physical changes were impossible due to constant vandalism), a great tenant showed up. This property had been vacant for nearly 5 months, and others all around mine still remain vacant.

I had also been trying to rent a home in Victorville, CA, for approximately 4 months. There was a great deal of competition with two other vacant rentals on the same small street. Nathalie Akona, one of Suzee Miller's Feng Shui Certified Realtors, did a great job balancing the Feng Shui, and we had activity right away. After talking to Suzee again, adding more Feng Shui colors and having her rewrite the listing verbiage, we found a “solid” tenant immediately. I understand the other properties are still for rent, while we are still taking names of prospective tenants.

I think the interesting thing in both cases is that Suzee's Feng Shui consultation helped me change MY energy around the properties. That shift helped me and I think it is one of the reasons both properties got on track so quickly. Suzee, you are amazing and have helped me in many ways. I am very grateful and truly appreciate your Feng Shui expertise.”

“Cherry and I just want to thank you for setting us
on the path to being more successful than we ever
hoped! After implementing your Five Element
Business System using Feng Shui and the powerful
suggestions of placement and affirmations, we have
found ourselves at the multi-million dollar producing
level in Real Estate. Since our first Feng Shui
consultation in October, we did more production in one
month of this year than we did the entire previous
year combined!!!

Thank you, Suzee, for your insight and faith in us. We have been very blessed this year and are looking forward to an even better rest of the year. We just enrolled in your Feng Shui Certification program and are excited to get started!”

“We had a Feng Shui consultation by phone with you 4 days ago, and I wanted to give you an update. We have de-cluttered the office of old items from years ago, turned Debbie’s desk around, bought all the file folders and are having a gang-buster week of listings and buyers. Our team is energized and continuing to implement all your Feng Shui advice and make the changes necessary to move forward. Thanks again for all your help!”

“I contacted you for a Feng Shui consultation because I felt there had to be a quick way to take control of my life and make positive change happen IMMEDIATELY. And it did. The fastest improvement happened at work – which isn’t easy since I work for the government! Even in this economy, I’ve been able to hire more people, buy 56 PCs for our staff, and my Associate Staff Partner and I are enjoying much better relations. Since relocating our beds according to your bedroom Feng Shui recommendations, my mother’s bone problems and falls have stopped and I’m sleeping like a baby! My home has become the sanctuary I’ve always wanted... beautiful and peaceful. So many incredible things have happened since Feng Shui that I can’t even recall them all! Suffice to say, I’m grateful to you, Suzee, from the bottom of my heart.”

"I loved yesterday's consultation with Suzee, and her Feng Shui Abundance audio seminar. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the great information, but happy it's recorded! Again thanks, and bless your heart!"

"Dear Suzee, I have been experiencing an abundance of business since our Feng Shui consultation! I have done as you told me with my office Feng Shui. I have implemented the garden Feng Shui in the back and I'm working on the front with adding more beautiful, colorful flowers. The rest of the house is de-cluttered & feels great. I will send you pictures of my office and of the gardens, which feel so wonderful to spend time in. I will finish my Feng Shui certification soon as well – in between my business, which has kept me hopping! Thank you again Suzee and every one at Feng Shui Paradigms…I am so grateful to be part of your organization. Blessings always!"

“A Feng Shui consultation with Suzee Miller has been an enlightening experience. It’s been very informative and empowering. Her Five Element Business System has taken my business to a new direction with fantastic results. After consulting with Suzee, I’am now working in a more peaceful environment and I have more than achieved my goals. I would definitely recommend a Feng Shui consultation with Suzee Miller to anybody who wants to multiply their sales and income."

“Thanks so much for last night’s Feng Shui consultation. I had the best night of sleep I've had in years. I just turned sideways in my bed. I can’t wait to apply the Feng Shui colors and take care of the other remedies and enhancements – and see the results! Red pillows are in the den already. They look great! It was the best birthday present I have ever had!”

“Dear Suzee, I absolutely cannot believe it has been 30 days since we consulted by phone. The first thing I did to my house after our Feng Shui consultation was to add weights and water in the proper gua areas that you told me too. I bought cases of water and filled my closets. The guy asked what I was doing with so much water. I told him I was working on a very exciting event! The guy at the sports store asked why I was buying so many weights. I told him I was working on an important project. Also, my daughter and I are planting flowers using the Feng Shui bagua blueprint you gave me.

I know this is a long message, but I need to thank you for the most wonderful gift out of all: the abundance of joy, happiness and gratitude that is filling my heart and soul. I keep hearing your words telling me to get ‘The Secret’... get ‘The Secret’... At first, it didn’t register and I went about working on my house and garden Feng Shui. But the words kept getting louder in my mind. So I went to the bookstore and asked if they had the book. Well, I ended up getting the DVD, Book and Audio tapes. I have listened, viewed and played them over and over.

I so enjoyed my Feng Shui consultation with you... Thanks for everything!”

“My dearest Suzee. You have made such a huge impact on and in my life... EVERY day I think of you, if not for what you’ve done for us, then because of mentioning Feng Shui to clients and friends. Now when I train people, I’m more aware of ‘directions’ and how people face.

Suzee, ever since following your recommendations during our Feng Shui consultation, our Friendly Relations gua is out of control! We have such a BUSY social calendar, we can’t believe it – it’s a blessing. Its gotten better every year since working with you. We are surrounded by LOVE, friends, family – and our careers are exploding! It’s amazing. It brings tears to my eyes writing this to you. YOU are an angel. I am SO happy to know you; I just want to give you a HUGE hug and scream THANK YOU!!! If only I could do for you what you’ve done for me!”

“I have really good news for you. Not only do my two (older) dogs feel better, but so do I. My garden Feng Shui is gorgeous and full of color since we had our Feng Shui consultation. Also, since making the suggested Feng Shui cures and enhancements, I am now the number one sales person in my company – for the first time in over a year! If you recall I had NO business prior to your consultation – but as of this month, I already have 2 new presentations in the works!

It’s been wild, especially when everyone in my industry is crying the blues. And to think it has only been 41 days since our consultation! Thanks for everything Suzee... I am amazed and thrilled with your approach to Feng Shui.”

“I am vibrating at a much higher level since aving a consultation with you about my office Feng Shui. I have experienced a visible increase in activity, and already have 2 sales and another one in the works! I actually danced into the office one morning because it felt so good! I also enrolled in your Feng Shui Certification course, and my wife is 100% on board with me. I also have worked with three of my sellers who have instituted the Feng Shui colors in the different guas. Your Feng Shui techniques are amazing. I feel ALIVE again, with a whole new perspective on life and business.”

“Suzee – thank you so much for my Feng Shui home consultation last night! I was so excited to do the call with you and more importantly, to learn Feng Shui! Thank you again for your generosity, patience and gentle teaching – I thoroughly enjoyed the consultation, your recommendations and all of your teaching. It’s been less than a week since we consulted, and things have already DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED at work – it’s astonishing! I’m really looking forward to changing all aspects of my life, now that I know I can with Feng Shui. Blessings to you!”

Back in February of 2009 my husband and I had our first Feng Shui consultation with Suzee. She is truly an angel in disguise. She blew us away with everything occurring or not occurring in our home.

I am a certified astrologer who happily works out of my home. My biggest gripe was the lack of clients. Well, lo-and-behold, Suzee came to the rescue. She had given me so many ideas for my fame and fortune gua, I'll admit, I was overwhelmed. I graciously took Suzee's advice and within 3 to 4 weeks I realized my phone was practically ringing off the hook. I was booked up for four months. Business continues to flow.

My husband was slightly stagnant due to a bout with depression. Suzee recommended that he begin sleeping in his best Feng Shui element position and within 2 months he was finally leaving the house with a great deal more energy.

I've always been aware of energy but when Suzee walked into our lives it's just incredible not to just be aware of energy but how energy needs to flow the correct way.

Suzee you are truly a blessing and I can't thank you enough. I'm greatly anticipating our next Feng Shui consultation.

Consult by phone, from anywhere in the World,
with Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®.
Click here to schedule a Residential or Business Consultation Today.

“Dear Suzee, I have been in the RE business since 1976. I’ve enjoyed the fruits of my labor and produced an amazing income up until the last 2 years. My husband and I purchased a new home in 2004 which, at the time, I felt was just perfect. The home needed some renovation and lots of maintenance updating which we took on in August and finally moved in 4 months later. Business was booming for me at the time, so a few months later, I opened my own RE Company and thought everything was going to progress into something good. It was a great load of commitments and tremendous business activity to manage and I was use to working independently.

Within 2 months of opening my RE Company, it was obvious that hardships were unfolding. I experienced the loss of both my parents, and it was crushing me. I detached from the business emotionally and avoided contact as much as possible. My company had a life of it’s own with the agents I had set up with a new project of 70 listings. It took me until January the following year to find enough strength to resurface – and by then it was no real surprise to discover a loss of all but 1 agent, combined with the RE market decline.

I was burnt out.

I continued to struggle for several months on my own, followed by several months of no sales in my real estate business, and I was convinced it was time to consider another business or career change. Before too long, I decided to eliminate the stress of running my company and joined another office. But still, my energy, motivation and goals were nowhere to be found. My plan to 'keep doing what worked before in the past' was not helping me create the much-needed balance I was struggling to achieve. It was another 4 months before I realized I was not ready to give in – my life was ready for something different – I just didn’t know what. My problem was easy to identify: I was not having any fun. Then I finally started to open and read your Truth & Tips newsletters, which I had been saving (but not reading), and I decided to book a Feng Shui consultation with you. Changes began the same day we did the phone consultation! Your Feng Shui suggestions, remedies and enhancements for my home were a combination of simple and major earth-moving tasks... indeed we are still implementing some of them. On the same day we spoke, I felt instant relief from lingering anxiety. That very evening, I eagerly purchased the gold and purple to add to the wealth gua of my land.

The next morning, I took the silk flowers to my wealth section of my home and yard, added my intention to sell a specific home (my sellers needed this sale urgently) which I was showing for the 30th time and wished the home to bring much happiness to its new owners right away. I showed the home at 10 am, we were negotiating by noon, home inspection by 3 pm. I closed on this property yesterday! Since our Feng Shui consultation, I have sold 2 more homes. Suzee, these are FAST RESULTS FOR ONLY 30 DAYS! You were able to reveal to us how our home came to us with many difficulties which were causing many of the problems we were experiencing... I can’t imagine all the blessings coming our way when we’re caught up with all the remedies and enhancements that are still being applied to this wonderful home. We are enjoying our Feng Shui home now, feeling energy, motivation and having lots of fun with each other. Now, my goals are full of exciting intentions!

Thank you soooo much. You are my angel!"

“Dear Suzee, we cannot thank you enough for the wonderful information during our Feng Shui consultation. I look forward to listening to it several times and making all kinds of adjustments. It seems very logical. I have also been able to guess what Feng Shui element people are lately as well!!! I look forward to my office Feng Shui consultation with you in the near future as well. All my love, appreciation and best wishes!”

“PLEASE READ THIS! A Yes/No Feng Shui consultation with Suzee Miller regarding purchasing a property SAVED US! We fell in love with the most amazing property, but – buyer beware! Looks are deceiving... During our consultation with Suzee, we found out that the property we loved went into a 20 year lock in 2004 and had major land challenges associated with it too. We were getting ready to make the biggest mistake of our lives. The Yes/No consultation with Suzee helped us understand that we had to withdraw our contract, regardless of how much earnest money we might lose and/or how much we loved the property.

Incidentally, our lives had gone into a "lock" from the moment we had signed the contract back in May – we didn't even own the property yet but it was still affecting us! We experienced a summer full of financial hardships, a lawsuit, major health problems for 3 out of 4 members of our family, difficulty trying to sell our current property, and much more. On top of this, my 36 year old wife got the shingles and I have to admit, looking back, that I had a knot in my stomach from the get-go about this particular house we were trying to buy.

Then just like a miracle, 24 hours after we backed out of the contract, THE KNOT WAS GONE. It stopped me dead in my tracks when I discovered it! Since this experience we have promised each other to never get emotionally attached again to a property without first doing a Feng Shui consultation with Suzee Miller on it. In fact, my wife is now enrolled in Suzee’s Feng Shui Certification course learning more about property Feng Shui and loving it. Suzee, your work and Feng Shui teaching is EXTRAORDINARY! Our experience with Feng Shui has been an awakening in the most amazing of ways. We are blessed, blessed, blessed to be able to work with you!”

Above are a few of our client success stories.
You too can enjoy the BLESSINGS and ABUNDANCE of good Feng Shui.
Click here to schedule a one-on-one phone or on-site Feng Shui consultation Today.

Click here to ask Suzee a Feng Shui Question!