
Feng Shui Testimonials


Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

A few client and customer testimonials...
by category:


"I hired Suzee Miller to Feng Shui my home office, by phone. I've been in business for almost 10 years and, although I've been successful, I wanted to move to the next level. One of Suzee's many recommendations was that I enhance my Fame and Reputation gua. Three days after making this placement, I was referred to a national organization who signed a very large contract with my company. The referring company said I was the person with the best reputation in the area!"

"I heard Suzee Miller speak at the Orange County AIA meeting and immediately hired her for a Feng Shui Consultation of our plan review firm. Within 4 months of completing the enhancements and remedies, our business and accounts receivables increased 60% – it was simply amazing. In addition, we hired her to design a Five Element Business System specifically for our company. This system has QUADRUPLED our data base for hot prospects, organizes jobs in the works, has improved our billing method and has altogether taken us to another level in business. At all times now, we can instantly monitor where present and future money is in our company. Not only that, our architects and engineers love the new environment they work in and company morale has been great. We employ Suzee's services, biannually, to monitor and improve the Feng Shui of our company.

The combination of her strong business background and Feng Shui expertise has not only changed the way we see and do business, but it has increased our bottom line, every year. We recommend her without reservation."

"It's been about a month since our Feng Shui Consultation with you. I was actually talking about it with my future partner for a new business venture I'm going to start. A lot of great changes have been happening since I consulted with you. All my employees are very, very happy nowadays and really excited about the changes in our Feng Shui office. Company gross profit has increased over 40% (believe it or not!) And remember how company revenue was increased but profit was lower prior to my consultation with you? Our revenue is now staying strong and we expect to grow in next month or so. We are doing over $3 million in sales this month and expect to do about $3.5 - $4 million next month. Thank God for office Feng Shui!

We also hired 2 additional staff members and expect to add another 2 more soon. Almost all suggested Feng Shui enhancements are done and all others should be done by next week. My relationship with my wife and son has improved and I spend 'happier' times with my family. I have two new business partnerships expected to start early next year also!!! I'm going to ask you for new business locations consultation as well. This was a condition of my partnership on this new venture. Everything seems to be working out great and I see a brighter future already! Thank you so much for all your help Suzee!!!"

"Since my Feng Shui office consultation a week ago, I have one commercial contract and will have another one tomorrow. I’m still working on doing the office and hope to get it done soon. Suzee I’m looking forward to profound success in my career thanks to you."

"I absolutely loved the Feng Shui consultation last month. I am working on all that we discussed. My area at work is exactly how you told me to set it up. I really enjoy working in my new Feng Shui office. I am still in the process of setting up my home office though. I would say I'm halfway there. It's repainted with your recommended Feng Shui colors and I've done the space-clearing as well. I'm in the process of finding the right pictures for the correct walls and writing my intentions down. My business is doing good in a tough market, and I'm working on expanding even more. I love walking into my new cleared office at home. It has a great look and a great feeling. Thank you, Suzee, for all your wonderful Feng Shui tips!"

"Before finalizing our new office space, I scheduled a Feng Shui office consultation with Suzee Miller and applied every single Feng Shui decorating tip and recommendation she made. In addition I hired her to teach my entire staff her color-coded Feng Shui business system, which at the time sounded too simple to bother with. Nonetheless, I was determined to apply Feng Shui to my business like Sony and Toshiba.

To my shock and utter amazement, less than nine months later, I've increased my staff by 20 new people (70 employees total) and my company is headed for an INCREASE OF OVER 300% IN INCOME BY YEAR END! Not only that, but she taught me how to work ON my business – not IN it – and held me accountable to a 4 day work week. There is absolutely no way to explain the phenomenal results I've experienced this year in business or the balanced life I'm enjoying with my family and friends.

Suzee Miller may not be Chinese, however I am, and I have hired other Feng Shui consultants of my own ethnic background over the years, but none of them integrated 8 schools of Feng Shui, and none of them helped my business or life grow like Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller. Best to you Suzee!"

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"Dear Suzee, I have incorporated most of your Feng Shui decorating tips and implemented proper Feng Shui colors according to the bagua map you gave me, and I'm doing great! My personal business has increased and is continuing to increase. The quality of my my new clientele is more than I could ask for. Everyone in the salon is getting along so much better and I just feel grateful and look forward to going to work instead of feeling overwhelmed. I feel so incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to have you in my life. Your Feng Shui consultation has been such a blessing and I feel 'mindful' of almost everything I do now, taking Feng Shui into consideration with almost all of my decisions. Thank you Suzee for all that you have done for my business and I look forward to working with you again soon."

"Suzee's Five Element Feng Shui Business System has allowed me to springboard from being a top producer to the highest levels of career success. Since getting my Feng Shui office and desk space in order, I am now #1 in the Western Region and #3 in the Nation with Century 21. Today, while I'm doing higher volume sales than I could ever have imagined possible, I am also experiencing an abundance of cooperative and respectful clients along with a centered and dynamic team. Real estate has become, simply, effortless and fun with Feng Shui!"

"Suzee's Feng Shui Consultation helped me to create form, function, flow, and fun in my office environment.

It has greatly contributed to my peace of mind – as well as the success of my business. Our usage of the Five Element Business System has raised the chi of my office and helped me grow my business to be in the TOP 1% of the lending industry during the two years I have been following Suzee's advice. I am grateful to her for sharing her Feng Shui knowledge as well as promoting peace, harmony and prosperity in my life!"

"I consulted with Suzee in March prior to the official launch of my second brand. At that time we were doing an average of $30-40K per month. With the 2nd brand we would be launching, I figured we would at least double that dollar amount. After my business Feng Shui consultation with Suzee, my orders immediately picked up – and within a few weeks, we had a steady flow of new business.

Within the first few days of launching my 2nd product line, we got over one thousand orders. However, the manufacturer of our new product line used defective materials unbeknownst to me – and my reputation suffered a huge hit. Terrible things were published on the web about me and my company, and I was devastated.

I spoke to Suzee again a few months later and just mentioned my perdicament casually. She immediately questioned me about my office Feng Shui and if I had completed all the remedies and enhancements. I told her I did everything but paint one wall with the Feng Shui colors she'd advised. After she explained the significance of that wall, I finally painted it that same day. A few weeks later, I launched another promotion to "re-introduce" the same product line and sold over $120K worth in one month – almost 4 times our average monthly sales. We have gotten rave reviews, and NOW HAVE BUSINESSES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD LINED UP, BEGGING TO SELL OUR PRODUCTS! There is no doubt in my mind that Feng Shui works in business!

<"We meet bi-annually with Suzee to have her monitor and improve the Feng Shui of our 5 franchise locations. Since using her Feng Shui consultation services regularly, we've quadrupled our office space to 48,000 square feet, agent recruitment is up 25%, OUR NET EARNINGS HAVE INCREASED OVER 35%, and best of all... our agents love the buildings they work in and we now have less than 5% turnover!"

"Business at Platinum Properties International was slow in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks – until we had a visit from Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller. During our consultation, she made several suggestions from placement to painting with Feng Shui colors – and our business increased as soon as the paint was dry. Now and we are having our best year ever as our agent count has increased by nearly 300%. We are opening two more new offices in Ladera Ranch and Newport Beach. Invite Suzee Miller in for a seminar or Feng Shui consultation - you'll be happy you did!"

"Since working on my office Feng Shui with Suzee Miller, the following blessings have happened in my career in less than 2 years:

  • I got promoted to V.P. of Employee Development with Washington Mutual within 30 days of Feng Shui
  • I've received several increases in salary and annual bonuses
  • I won two trip awards for Top Employee Performance
  • My personal staff has grown from 35 to 105 employees
  • My personal income has increased more than 33%
  • I was selected to work on a special project with the President of Washington Mutual and Sr. Lenders throughout the nation (an unexpected honor for me).

In addition to this, I've managed to take more vacations and free time off while making huge gains in the competitive field of finance. Without a doubt, I'm convinced the quality of my life has improved immeasurably since applying the advice from my Feng Shui business consultation with Suzee Miller. I would recommend Suzee and Feng Shui to everyone – and I do!!!"

"Thanks Suzee!!! Since I had a consultation with you for my office and business Feng Shui two weeks ago, great things have been happening! Within two hours of implementing one of your Feng Shui decorating tips, I landed two new clients, and a week later I've almost doubled my 'hot prospects' and active projects. In fact, I'm negotiating with a couple associates to subcontract work to them, and am considering getting part-time office help, because I just can't get all the work done! Power, performance and success with Feng Shui – I can feel it! THANK YOU Suzee – especially for saying the things I didn't want to hear – and for not giving up when I was so stubborn. You are wonderful and great to work with... and results say it all!"

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"I had just moved to a new home and was at a 'stuck' time in my career. I could not work any harder or smarter. I had reached the top, which was limiting to me. A career change was not possible. I was 48 and had devoted my career to one path... Then I hired Suzee to do an office Feng Shui consultation to create new energy. Suzee moved things, added items, subtracted negative objects and put me in my power positions. Within 7 days, I received an unsolicited phone call – I was offered a position (in an unrelated industry) to hire and recruit 200 people for a computer software company. What are the odds of that happening? Not only that, they doubled my income and allowed me to continue operating my speaking business on the side.

Within another week, I moved 1800 miles away. Six months after relocating I had Suzee apply property Feng Shui on land I own in Austin – and within hours of her getting on a plane to return to California, good fortune blessed my daughter Amy with love and blessed me with yet another fabulous career opportunity. Long story short, today MY INCOME HAS QUADRUPLED and I have INCREDIBLE FINANCIAL FREEDOM, thanks to Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller."

"Within two weeks of our last Feng Shui consultation, we received a check for $2,000,000 from a delinquent account. We were worried we would never collect, then you made the perfect suggestions, enhancements and office rearrangements, and voila – the check arrived in the mail!

We are always stunned by the positive results we experience everytime we update the annual energy with you Suzee. Your office Feng Shui works miracles; our business and income is OFF THE CHARTS! THANKS from every one of us at DRI – You are a treasure."

"After only ONE WEEK of doing my office Feng Shui consultation with you by phone, a series of miracles started to happen. First of all, I got the opportunity to become the CO-OWNER of a great company with no money investment (a guarantee of $100,000 per year, plus commission overrides – and this was an unsolicited offer!) Amazingly enough, the wonderful results of my Feng Shui consultation were not exclusively for me alone. My husband is a general contractor, and he was really struggling with his business. After only one week too, he was completely booked and the phone hasn't stopped ringing! Your Five Element Feng Shui Business system is incredible Suzee... there is no way to explain how it works, but boy does it ever – and it works FAST!

The prior year after consulting with you on my home Feng Shui, I followed your advice and placed purple flags in our wealth area because of snow. I was having problems finding the flags so I made them myself. The results have been magnificent. My kids are doing great in school, my relationship with my husband is better than ever and we both feel like we have balance and A LIFE OF OUR OWN for the first time ever.

I've read several books on Feng Shui before and dabbled in it a bit, but to be honest, nothing you teach have I ever found in a book, and the the results of your Feng Shui are fast, furious and fantastic! Thank you, Suzee, for improving our lives in every positive way!".

"In the last 3 years, I have hired Suzee Miller to do Feng Shui consultations for my home, office, staff, clients' property, and two "new home" builder subdivisions (sales offices and model homes). I don't know where to begin, other than to say that my life and career has been one incredible miracle after another, since meeting this dynamic Feng Shui Master. In a nutshell, my income has tripled, my free time has increased tenfold, business opportunities come to me from everywhere, I have more energy than I can channel, and most importantly, I feel vibrantly healthy and alive. Feng Shui is absolutely amazing, at least the kind that Suzee does – it has positively changed my way of life, forever!"

“Well, this SOFT WOOD girl is no longer fighting the paper tiger!!! No more messy office, no more scrambling to find things, no more running out of time!!! I’ve never been more organized, more efficient, and more productive IN MY LIFE thanks to you!!! I have gained AT LEAST 30% MORE FREE TIME since my office Feng Shui and business consultation with you – not to mention that my jewelry sales averages are 30-40% higher (in this so-called recession!) MY CLIENTS CALL ME instead of me constantly trying to call them back!!! Your Feng Shui business system is downright AMAZING! I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH, SUZEE, FOR YOUR FENG SHUI EXPERTISE!”

"I have to tell you the change of having a Feng Shui office has done wonders for my husband – almost overnight! He has much more energy ever since your Feng Shui consultation with him – and he's really embracing it. You don't know what a skeptic he was!"

Work SMART – take your Business and Career to the next level of Power, Performance and Success. Click here to get started Today.

“Suzee, thanks you were AWESOME. What a session!!! I was exhausted last night we didn’t go out as planned. Then at 1:30am, I was wide awake, so at about 5am I finally got up and started implementing the office Feng Shui advice you gave me. The monitor is moved to my desk and the whole system moved around – this is the first time I have ever moved all of the peripherals and when plugged back in they worked the first time!!! That is a great sign I’m on the right track. Again, thank you sincerely for all your help and the referrals. I do trust in miracles – and I know they are coming my way!”

"My business started to die last year. This year on good days we had 1 or 2 calls, most days none at all. To make matters worse, I just lost a 20 year and 9 year contract in the same month. No money coming in. When this happened I sat down and cried. Then I remembered I did not update the business Feng Shui in 2 years, so I called Joyce to schedule a consultation.

From the photos, Suzee noticed I painted all the walls yellow which was bad for my building and told me I was in a lock last year with people and this year with money and that I needed to get rid of the yellow walls and paint other walls a different color asap along with a few other cures. This was last Thursday. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, my family painted day and night.

Long story short, on Monday we had 7 new clients and today we had 9 more new clients. Tomorrow is Wednesday and we have 8 more down on the books, the rest of the week is full too. I'm so happy I am crying, only this time for joy!!! I can't believe it. I will never let the Feng Shui go again. I already scheduled a Feng Shui consultation for next year.

One more thing, I had a terrible knife blade pain in my left shoulder for months and Suzee guessed it before I even mentioned it, and had me turn my desk and chair around. Now 6 days later no pain. Completely gone. I'm in shock and grateful to God. Feng Shui is absolutely AMAZING.

Thanks to working with you over the years Suzee we own many good health care homes, and our nursing services business is back on track again. There is no way to thank you, other than to pray for you to stay healthy so that you can help other people Feng Shui too."

Above are a few of our client success stories.
You too can enjoy the BLESSINGS and ABUNDANCE of good Feng Shui.
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to schedule a one-on-one phone or on-site Feng Shui consultation Today.

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