Thank you Suzee...

"Dear Suzee,

I had a Combo Consultation with you about this same time last year. Prior to our consult, I had the worst year of my career. For 13 years, I rode the big wave of success, then last year NOTHING. It was definitely a year of doing things to improve myself.

I started by getting enrolled in your Certification program, then I decided to do a home office consultation. I can’t believe how changing my desk to my power direction has really elevated my fame, fortune and career. Also, the color coding of my clients has really helped me get organized and on top of things. So much good has happened in this last year, I don’t even know where to start...

After our consultation, I interviewed with one of the larger banks to acquire their REO accounts. I purposely faced in my power direction during my interview and lo-and-behold I got the account, even though my competition were the heaviest hitters in town. I am continuing to attain other large accounts that seem to fall into my lap.

I have slowly feng shui’d my own home with vibrant colors, fresh flowers and the 5 elements throughout my home. I have become the Premier Director in my office which is really empowering assisting the other agents in my office with their luxury listings and buyers. I was also just voted onto our local board as one of the Board of Directors. I guess I live by the motto “If you want something done, always ask the person that has the least amount of time”…

The best part of all of this is it’s not just me, my whole family is elevating to the next level. My husband is now running for a Senate Seat, my kids are excelling in their academics and sports. Life is sooo good. I am so grateful you have come into my life and have taught me about the unseen energies. I still have so much to learn and share. I enjoy all of your emails, photos and inspirational thoughts.

Thank you, sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I know I still have a credit for another consultation – I promise I will do it before the end of the year. I appreciate YOU!!! And all that you do.

Christine McNaugh
Premier Properties Director Windermere Prestige Properties

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