Feng Shui Articles
by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®
Feng Shui and TIME
In classical Feng Shui, our primary goal is to unite time and space, people and the environment as one integral entity. During a Feng Shui consultation the key objective is to regulate the flow of life force, by remedying negative energy and enhancing positive energy…Ch'i. The physical environment is always influenced by TIME. In essence, the Earth has a Feng Shui time table which shifts every twenty years. On Feb 3, 2004 we will enter a new ENERGY time cycle that will last through 2023.
Currently, we are in a "7" energy cycle or construction period called< TUI (pronounced dewey) which symbolically governs the MOUTH. On a YANG (light) note, this energy cycle has had a positive influence on women, in general, in almost every field such as sales, business, communication, politics and entertainment…i.e. talk show hosts like Oprah and female CEO's and CFO's of major corporations, worldwide. On the YIN (dark) side, it has been a period of sexual scandal, rumor gossip and clandestine events. Reflecting back on the last twenty years, this period has exposed and glorified sexual harassment, rumors, gossip and scandal in every arena governing both Church and State.
The next 20 year cycle we will be entering is called…KEN energy. It's associated with MOUNTAIN EARTH or "still" energy. During this period of time, people will be less enthusiastic about glorifying gossip or participating in low energy behavior, as the times will demand greater contemplation and personal moral inventory. KEN is a period of study, balance and reflection on what genuinely nourishes our body, spirit and soul. As individuals and as a community, we will look for integrity and substance in our leaders and search for "more" evolved role models and partners in life. The desire for peace, balance, morality, and valued life and work ethics will color this period of time for us all.
Thus, it's not surprising that, as the current 20 year cycle draws to an end and a new one begins, we are witnessing major "space clearing" (house cleaning) on the planet. In a KEN cycle, there will be less tolerance of hypocrisy, material greed, sexual indiscretion, hidden agendas and/or mysterious secrets that lurked in the shadows of Church and State during the last 20 years. From a Feng Shui perspective, TRUTH, will be made manifest (at all cost) over the next twenty year period. As a community, our mutual goal will be to focus on more LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY in our inner and outer environments. Authenticity and integrity will be become the new paradigm in consciousness, both in our spiritual and material worlds. This will indeed be a period of human transformation.
Although the world may appear upside down at this time in history, it's my belief that MOUNTAIN energy is already present on the planet. For those of you who have already begun the spiritual journey and physical cleansing necessary to support your inner world and who have created work and living environments, via Feng Shui, to help manifest your goals, dreams and intentions with integrity….life's blessings and abundance…already abounds! If you would like to read other peoples' success stories, see our Testimonials. Unfortunately, (perhaps FORTUNATELY is a better word!) we are unable to publish all the fabulous client success stories on our website; however, we do appreciate receiving them and want to thank you, personally, for sharing your life of balance with us all.
Peace and Blessings,
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( To quote or use any portion of the content and/or article above – express permission
must be granted by the author in writing. Contact Suzee Miller at info@FengShuiPlaza.com )
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Feng Shui is NOT about philosophy, astrology, religion or superstition.
It is the Study of ENERGY (Quantum Physics), and how energy affects lives,
homes, offices, listings and careers.
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