Feng Shui Articles
by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®
Feng Shui and Music
TRUTH: Music has the POWER to change your life.
Dr. Ronald Jones PhD., a former top consultant to NASA, discovers frequencies in music that can put the brain in a state of peak performance and optimize the flow of energy in the body. When the music plays in the environment there is a reduction of stress, improved mental performance, focus, creativity, and an increase in physical strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination and balance.
Tip: Playing “harmonizing” music while you work and relax increases the flow of CHI… positive life force energy… in your life, work and affairs.
Intention: I reduce stress and fatigue by harmonizing my body, mind & spirit with music that EMPOWERS my life and career.
2012 - 2019 © All rights reserved. Any or all duplication of this article without the
prior written consent of Suzee Miller Inc. or Feng Shui Paradigms is prohibited by law.
( To quote or use any portion of the content and/or article above – express permission
must be granted by the author in writing. Contact Suzee Miller at info@FengShuiPlaza.com )
Health, Wealth, Career, Success and Love. Learn which properties support you and which ones
deplete you, and who your best partners are in Life and Love.
Feng Shui is NOT about philosophy, astrology, religion or superstition.
It is the Study of ENERGY (Quantum Physics), and how energy affects lives,
homes, offices, listings and careers.
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