Feng Shui Articles

by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

Free Foreclosure Information and Tips

TRUTH: The current "Housing Crisis" affects every person and community in America.

The heartache, fear, loss and pain that accompanies a foreclosure is "immeasurable." As this economic crisis crosses borders and seas, it becomes our responsibility as "conscious" citizens to get educated and informed, so that we can share our knowledge with each other and with the global community at large.

The educational website below is designed to EMPOWER you, your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and/or clients on foreclosure laws and options. Free counseling with a loss mitigation expert (foreclosure specialist), by state, is also available to you at NO cost or obligation.

TIP: Time is not on your side when facing foreclosure. You will want to act "boldly and fast," to avoid and prevent foreclosure on your home and/or investment property.

If you or someone your know is "at risk," please make sure to click onto "all the links" on the American website (below) for FREE foreclosure information and tips. Once educated, you can decide to Stop foreclosure on your own, or you can elect to work with an expert to SAVE your home and credit, immediately.


For the latest housing update click the link below:

Feel free to share the web addresses above with everyone you know - TOGETHER - WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

  • P.S. Does this sound familiar?
  • "I’ve tried to work this out with my lender but they’re telling me there is nothing they can do."
  • "I have tried to contact my mortgage company but they won’t call me back."
  • "Every time I call my lender I get someone new who puts me on hold or I have to start all over. I'm at my wits end."
  • "We are in Chapter 13 and we can’t afford the payments."
  • "My Adjustable Rate Mortgage went up and I can’t afford the payment. Can you get it lowered for me?"
  • "We are upside down, owe $100,000 more than our house is worth - can we get the mortgage company to waive this amount and give us a monthly payment we can afford?"
  • "They set me up in a forbearance plan but I can’t afford the payments. What can I do?"

We receive questions like this every day from people who want to save their home. Maybe you’ve been trying to sell your home and there simply are no buyers in your area, at your asking price. Or, maybe you want out of your house so you can get a fresh start somewhere else but you need to protect your credit rating as much as possible and need a good Realtor to help you. We have referred people in all circumstances. Some clients call after the Sheriff has served them with papers or they come home to find their locks changed.

It’s never too late to get HELP. Dedicated counselors will work overtime on your behalf to STOP the foreclosure process. -America Foreclosure Specialists-

Get help, or help a friend today at: www.StopForeclosureinAmerica.com

2012 - 2019 © All rights reserved. Any or all duplication of this article without the
prior written consent of Suzee Miller Inc. or Feng Shui Paradigms is prohibited by law.

( To quote or use any portion of the content and/or article above – express permission
must be granted by the author in writing. Contact Suzee Miller at info@FengShuiPlaza.com )

Click onto the Chi Quiz icon below to discover your element and personality profile for
Health, Wealth, Career, Success and Love. Learn which properties support you and which ones
deplete you, and who your best partners are in Life and Love.

Chi Quiz by Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller

Feng Shui is NOT about philosophy, astrology, religion or superstition.
It is the Study of ENERGY (Quantum Physics), and how energy affects lives,
homes, offices, listings and careers.

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