Feng Shui Articles

by Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

Free Feng Shui Tips for the Holidays!

RED is a great Chi... ENERGY...enhancer. Instead of candy this year, make a healthy choice and surround your inner and outer environment with nature's beautiful Poinsettia plant. Not only will you save hundreds of calories, but you will also lift your spirit with grace, harmony and beauty at the same time. If you are a REALTOR®, instead of advertising this month, BLITZ your listings with COLOR by placing a couple dozen RED poinsettia plants in gold and/or red foil inside and outside "each" of your listings. Not only will this Feng Shui enhancement increase the prospects for more buyer activity, but it will also endear your sellers to you throughout the New Year!

DE-CLUTTER NOW. Unfortunately, sadness, depression and lethargy is more prevalent during the holiday season than is happiness or joy. One way to prevent "negative" energy (Sha Chi) from over shadowing you is to de-clutter your environment. If you find yourself feeling hollow, empty, lonely and/or lost, immediately start cleaning and clearing out "clutter" and "stuff" in your closets, cupboards,drawers, car, office, briefcase, garage and home. This is the season to be charitable. Ask members of the family, including your children, to space clear their belongings and to give away box loads of "stuff" to charity before Xmas and/or Hannukah. This is a great way to immediately turn low energy blues into positive energy highs.

LESS means MORE..INNER-G. "G" stands for goodness, generosity, graciousness, greatness, grace, glory and God. This year try "gifting" less by selecting just a few healthy and/or quality gifts that will enrich, enhance and empower your friends, family, pets and loved ones.. Material "things" are dense and thus calibrate below 200 in terms of energy. Our goal as "conscious" human beings is to elevate our personal energy, so that we become magnets for blessings and good fortune. An enlightening gift to give this year is a wonderful little book called The Monk Who SOLD His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma. Knowledge is power, and so it is with the Feng Shui concept of LESS.

An Investment in knowledge always pays the highest dividends in one's life and career.

This year give YOURSELF and your loved ones a gift that unequivocally makes a difference, and one that lasts a lifetime...


2012 - 2019 © All rights reserved. Any or all duplication of this article without the
prior written consent of Suzee Miller Inc. or Feng Shui Paradigms is prohibited by law.

( To quote or use any portion of the content and/or article above – express permission
must be granted by the author in writing. Contact Suzee Miller at info@FengShuiPlaza.com )

Click onto the Chi Quiz icon below to discover your element and personality profile for
Health, Wealth, Career, Success and Love. Learn which properties support you and which ones
deplete you, and who your best partners are in Life and Love.

Chi Quiz by Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller

Feng Shui is NOT about philosophy, astrology, religion or superstition.
It is the Study of ENERGY (Quantum Physics), and how energy affects lives,
homes, offices, listings and careers.

Click here to ask Suzee a Feng Shui Question!