
Feng Shui Testimonials


Suzee Miller Feng Shui Master®

A few client and customer testimonials...
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“If you’re going to learn Feng Shui, do it right the FIRST time. Fortunately, I connected with Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller. Her Feng Shui audio programs and consultations are TERRIFIC. Suzee helped me get my house Feng Shui in order & my office as well... I love the POSITIVE results I'm enjoying in all areas of my life since Suzee has taken the confusion out of Feng Shui for me!”

"Good morning dear Suzee,

Here is a little ray of Sunshine to share with you !!

Within ONE day of painting the heart of our home red (at your request) and opening our pool, adding flowers and color to the front of our home making a beautiful path to the front door, my life has turned from HOPELESS WITHOUT ANY MONEY on the verge of loosing our business, to new opportunities coming from our best friends, financial gifts coming in, and one of our litigation suits being paid off tomorrow for a few thousand dollars!! So many Blessings are coming to our lives; it's absolutely unbelievable!

We still have a lot of work to do per your recommendations, but I just had to keep you posted. FOR ME IT'S ALL ABOUT SHARING THE GOOD NEWS WITH YOU TODAY !!!  As you know I've had several Feng Shui people do my house over the years without much success, but consulting with you by phone has made all the difference in the world. If I could shout it out from Minnesota to California I would do it!!!

Thank you for your kindness, wisdom and support. I am greatful to you for being so patient with me my dear Suzee.

"When I moved to my new townhouse my life was completely out of balance and control. I started feeling very lonely, depressed, having a lot of health problems, gaining weight and having no energy to do anything. Then I called Suzee for a Feng Shui consultation and she helped get my home and office Feng Shui in order.

During the consultation of my home, Suzee predicted all the health problems I was experiencing without me even telling her. Within two days of doing my Feng Shui bedroom and changing the position that I sleep in according to her advice, I experienced a HUGE difference in my energy. I was finally having a great nights' sleep.

A couple of weeks later, I also started feeling PEACEFUL and in balance again. People have started being more supportive and friendly to me. I already have lost 10 pounds (I haven't been able to lose weight in years)! I have a lot more energy, many more business prospects, and a lot of new opportunities are knocking at my door – without me even asking for them. Feng Shui is amazing. Suzee, you are really a blessing!"

"Thank you for all your help on our home over the last couple of years. My sleep apnea is much improved since Feng Shui... I'm actually sleeping so much better since you worked on our home and placed me in my best sleep position. These Feng Shui tips and remedies are absolutely amazing. Other areas of our lives have improved as well. Linda's business has been much better with less stress and much more past-client and referral business. Every time we take your advice and "freshen up" the landscaping with the correct Feng Shui colors or the addition of new plants, our lives just perk up – again, another amazing phenomenon! Of course, we added the fountain which was a really wonderful enhancement too. Thank you for all your help! We wouldn't buy another place without having a Feng Shui consultation with you first."

“It’s been 30 days since I consulted with you on our home Feng Shui. Things are REALLY busy – in a good way – and I know it’s because of all the adjustments. I’m still working on my Feng Shui garden and amping up with the proper colors according to the bagua, but the “unseen” remedies and enhancements you gave me are already doing their magic. Bushes are trimmed and we added a lot of color in Friendly Relations. The energy is flowing in a positive way – I know those phone calls will keep coming and the business will continually increase! I’m definitely out of the slump since Feng Shui!!!

“Hi Suzee, I wanted to thank you so much for all your help. I am feeling so much better since your Feng Shui consultation. It is just unbelievable how much more energy I have since I made the Feng Shui changes you suggested. My health has turned around totally since changing my bedroom and sleeping in my best health direction. I sleep all night now without waking up. The most amazing part of all this is that it’s only been 2 1/2 weeks since I consulted with you, and my bedroom Feng Shui has CHANGED MY LIFE!!!

I owe the thanks all to you and I am so grateful that I got a Feng Shui consultation. I am just so surprised how fast your Feng Shui techniques work and how great things are going for me since I talked with you. Keep up the good work! You truly did make my life change for the better. I’m sure I will be talking to you soon! Thanks again”

“I cannot believe how fast your Feng Shui works. I feel healthier, happier and I’m busier in business than I’ve ever been. There is no down market with Feng Shui – I’m grateful and jazzed!!! May God and Spirit bless you abundantly for all you do to make this planet a better place. I am blessed to know you.”

"WOW! I guess I wasn't expecting such an extreme "fix" – I'm close to tears. I've painted walls with the Feng Shui colors and decorated this place in such a cute way. However I feel compelled to heed your advice to move out soon. The elderly woman who lived here before me suffered many of the health problems you said would happen in this type of home. She had a stroke, and then a year later tripped over something on the floor, broke her hip and landed in a nursing home. I really have to get out. Why wasn't I seeing it? I am so grateful to you for your Feng Shui consultation... and grateful that I am just renting! Thank you Suzee. You are a good and caring soul. Best wishes."

"Business has exploded for my husband and we haven't even finished implementing all your Feng Shui tips yet. We immediately turned his desk to where he is facing his power direction – and he finished top producer for 2nd quarter in his company at 200% to quota. BUSINESS IS FLOODING IN for him. We still have to do our garden Feng Shui, but we feel good energy and are both flooded with work. We are enjoying the fruits of our labor and Feng Shui!"

Your home is the "most important" place to Feng Shui first. Click here to get your Home, Health and Life in BALANCE Today.

"My boyfriend is moving back in January. Ever since I got our bedroom Feng Shui in order, he just LOVES to come home. He has already found someone to take over his operation in Nevada. When she came on board, she brought in new businesses that more the TRIPLED THE INCOME of his current business. He is a go-getter (soft metal). Thank you Suzee!"

"Suzee, I can’t thank you enough for your Feng Shui consultation. Julianne and I are happier than we have been in a long a time. We are implementing your Feng Shui decorating tips... planning and shopping TOGETHER!!!! It is so nice. We have been distant for so long, it really feels great to connect again!

We ordered a really romantic bedroom set last night. It was scary ordering it, because we are so used to NOT spending money. When we actually submitted the order, we both got really excited. It’s a beautiful blend of burgundy with some purple and gold hints in it! Now we're picking out some soft Feng Shui colors to paint.

We went to Home Depot last night and bought plants and other items for our Feng Shui garden. I am looking forward to planting this weekend! We made the changes with the pool designer that you suggested. We are also taking your recommendations and adding the fire pit in the middle back of the yard, and adding a beautiful fountain to the wealth corner of the pool – which will have a statue pouring bountiful water back into the pool itself! It will be great – we love your Feng Shui tips! THANK YOU so much for everything."

"Dear Super-Suzee: I am doing great!!! I feel restored and happy. I have finished doing all your land and home Feng Shui remedies and enhancements. I attended the PAX seminar this past weekend, and I have watched 'The Secret' more than 5 times. I'm out of depression and EXCITED ABOUT MY LIFE. Thank you so much for caring and for your absolute Feng Shui mastery. I wish you the best in life, and may all the love and care that you show to others return to you, multiplied one hundred times!"

"I can't begin to tell you the difference having a Feng Shui consultation has made in my life. My employer has changed for the better, my health has improved since using proper Feng Shui colors and bed position, I am more at peace with myself and others – and I sleep all through the night, for the first time in years.

My heart is full of joy and happiness. So many positive things have happened that they're too numerous to mention. One major event is the IRS has accepted my "offer in compromise" reducing my tax liability from over $30,000 to merely $980. What more can I say, it's only been 30 days! I love my bedroom Feng Shui and all the other Feng Shui rooms in my house – the improvement is absolutely magical!"

"Thank you so much for all your inspired words of advice. I have changed my entire home and office and painted the wall in your recommended Feng Shui colors. All feels so different and more vibrant. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have given me in such a short time. You are part of rediscovering my true self. I finally received the recorded tape of our Feng Shui consultation yesterday... I will keep in touch with you for sure. I'm going to buy some of your Feng Shui audio programs too. I am taking 10 days off and going to my sanctuary in Sedona with my family and new book to write... I already have many clients to take care of the first week of January. I set all my intentions for the different spaces. I love my Feng Shui home so much more now!"

"Suzee, we are living a magical life thanks to you and Feng Shui. As you know, Steve slept thru the night for the first time in twelve years... within 24 hrs of you changing his sleep position. Also, we finally got married and have never been happier. After we remedied the house Feng Shui like you suggested, our business took off and hasn't stopped booming. We love our Feng Shui home and are enjoying good friendships, family relations and an overwhelming sense of peace and prosperity! We also have more free time for fun now than we've ever had. Our lives couldn't be better. Thank you so much for introducing us to the many blessings of Feng Shui."

"Dear Suzie, It was a great pleasure talking to you – you woke up the part of my life that had been sleeping for a long time. I realized that after our Feng Shui consultation, I felt more confident, positive and energetic about what I am going to do. My goals in my life are the most important factor at this moment. I am going to use positive words from now on – negative words are out of my dictionary for GOOD! You are a beautiful woman both inside and out and I feel so proud that there are still people like you in this world who make one feel and realize that there is a solution to everything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"We have implemented many of the Feng Shui decorating tips you recommended – and we are enjoying more harmony already!!! Thanks you so much for your help these last few years!"

"I have to tell you that after my Feng Shui consultation with Suzee, I went out to get the mail. I think like most of us it is always filled with bills. Not today. Unexpected checks. Two refunds! One for property taxes and one for an overpaid insurance premium. I only put it together this morning that the tides have turned and I am filled with a joy and openness that I haven't felt for a long time."

"Suzee, we really appreciate your Feng Shui expertise and see our experience with you as a new beginning of a more harmonious life.

Since the first morning after our Feng Shui consultation with you, Layne has had a changed attitude towards most everything. He feels he can breathe and handle things with a calm I have not seen in him in years. I have so enjoyed being able to feel the openness in our home and I do believe that is transferring to personal as well as business relationships. We will be acquiring all of the necessary elements this week to bring the house Feng Shui into balance and truly look forward to that.

Thank you for all your wonderful energy. I will keep you abreast of our progress."

"I just want to thank Feng Shui & YOU. It has CHANGED MY LIFE! God bless you. In Iran (the country that I live in) we don't have any good resources for Feng Shui education, but now I've found you to share with me all your Feng Shui knowledge. Thank you!"

"After our REALTOR® hired Suzee Miller to do our home Feng Shui and improve the wealth corner, we sold our house in a week for almost full asking price. In the following weeks I have won jackpots at casinos for a total of over $3000! Until now, I have never won anything before, ever!

I used Suzee's Feng Shui decorating tips when I moved into a new house. The master bedroom had two mirrors, so I hung crystals in front of each of them and had no trouble sleeping throughout the night after years of insomnia. As a test, I took one down but kept waking up throughout the night. I replaced it and have had good nights since then.

I feel calmer and more in control after our Feng Shui consultation. I have more patience with the little things in life and things seem to 'fall in to place' as they never have before! I would encourage everyone to try Feng Shui, it has truly enriched my life on many levels."

Your home is the "most important" place to Feng Shui first. Click here to get your Home, Health and Life in BALANCE Today.

"Dear Suzee, it has been a few months since my Feng Shui consultation with you. I have to tell you what we've done to benefit our house and property Feng Shui. We have poured a concrete parking pad to replace gravel... we have new walks and steps... and a new Feng Shui garden goes in tomorrow! My landscape architect has had fun putting that together for me. He is also implementing your Feng Shui tips for the 'poison arrow' pointing at my front door. The entire interior of my home will be painted and rearranged with the help of a decorator. Right now, things are a in a bit of disarray, but will be great when it is all completed. I will follow up with pictures when we're done.

Thanks for your help in getting my property, house and life filled with "less is more" and all the right Feng Shui elements in balance. I'm continuing to be blessed everyday."

"Suzee, getting to meet you and share knowledge and experiences with you has been wonderful. I am a better person for it. Your assistance in both bringing my home and office Feng Shui into harmony was not only fun but rewarding. Our business got "unstuck" and we have been busy ever since.

The best part was getting my husband involved and watching him become a true believer. Lots of wonderful things have happened... like a childhood friend of mine ound me through and we have gotten together twice to celebrate and plan on many more appy times together (40 years later and we are still best friends!) Your assistance in helping me sell two completely different, difficult properties, was phenomenal. I look forward to many more Feng Shui consultations and success stories. You are amazing!"

"Our home was on the market almost 6 months with no offers, while other homes on our street were selling right and left. Our listing expired and our new REALTOR® hired a Feng Shui expert (I'd never heard of it before) to come over immediately. That was my first experience with Suzee Miller, her Feng Shui bagua and Lo-pan compass. I was shocked at what she had to say and literally had to fight back tears of truth. Within 2 hours, Suzee rearranged our entire home and told me what to buy and how to remedy our "reversed" property. Within 72 hours, our house sold, my wife got promoted to Vice President, we won $1,000. Then out of the blue, $10,000 that was owed us for many years was paid off – without our solicitation! All this within 7 days! After experiencing the unbelievable power of Feng Shui, we immediately hired Suzee to review the property Feng Shui of a new home we made an offer on, and were told that it was a good buy for us. Feng Shui has definitely changed our thinking and our lives forever. My wife and I wouldn't think of buying or living in a home, anywhere, without a Feng Shui consultation by Suzee Miller first... THAT'S FOR SURE!"

"Suzee, thank you so much for introducing me to Feng Shui. Things started moving when I had you come to my office and implement your Five Element Business System, but when you came out to do my home Feng Shui, oh my God, watch out – THE CHANGES IN MY LIFE WERE HUGE. Things just took off both in my business and personally. You told me once I made the changes in my home that I would start to travel, my business would take off and just come my way, I could get pregnant again if I chose too – and sure enough all of those predictions have come to pass in this short period of time.

In my business, I now average a deal a day for the last 3 consecutive months. I have sold higher priced properties, double-ended a lot more deals and earned greater commissions than normal. I have had more income-producing business opportunities in these past months than in the last 3 years put together. I finally went over $1,000,000 in gross closed commission mark – all the while working less hours per week and no weekends.

My pregnancy has gone exceptionally well. I've never felt better or had more energy. My family and I have taken 4 different trips in the past 6 months and my husband and I have never been happier, more content, and more excited about our lives and the possibilities we have before us. Thank you so much for all your help and for sharing your Feng Shui knowledge with us. Now, I won't even think of renting, buying or changing anything without a Feng Shui consultation from you because YOUR METHODS HAVE MORE THAN PROVEN THEMSELVES. Thank you so much for everything!"

"Suzee, every time I have a Feng Shui consultation with you, miracles happen. I could not imagine that your expertise would be making such a huge difference in my life in less than 30 days!!! I can't thank you enough for your Feng Shui expertise. Thank you so much for everything Suzee!!"

"I LOVE my Feng Shui home :-) Everyone that walks in says they feel a change! A few of the changes were obvious right away. I am drawn to meditate every time I pass my yoga room, which feels SO MUCH BETTER NOW, thanks to you! Two beautiful quality men have come into my life. I am having company non-stop!!!! And children are coming like crazy too. All of these things are pretty amazing. Like you said – I am a magnet now. Thank you so much! When I move, I will definitely be using you again for another great Feng Shui consultation."

"I met Suzee Miller when I brought her an offer on a home she had bought, rehabilitated and Feng Shui'd. My buyers fell in love with it immediately. As a gift, Suzee offered to give me a free Feng Shui consultation of my home. Within a couple weeks I sold several properties and within a couple of months, I was referred to a buyer who bought Santa's Village from me. I was the only agent involved in the sale and my net income was $270,000. I asked my buyer if he had ever heard of Feng Shui, and he said his daughter probably did. I smiled and realized that something had changed in my life and I had a bigger bank account because of it!!!"

Above are a few of our client success stories.
You too can enjoy the BLESSINGS and ABUNDANCE of good Feng Shui.
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